Liquidity is negative correlation to corporate performance; relationship between inventory and corporate performance is not significant; fixed assets, intangible assets and total asset turnover are correlation to corporate performance. 流动资产比率同企业绩效负相关,存货比率同企业绩效关系不显著,固定资产、无形资产和总资产周转率同企业绩效正相关。
The assets management level of our coal enterprises was relatively backward, fixed assets management control was not enough, that caused such questions as fixed assets to be idle and lost, capital turnover to be difficult, asset utilization to reduce. 我国煤炭企业资产管理水平相对落后,固定资产管理控制不到位,造成了固定资产的闲置和流失,资金周转困难,资产利用率较低等问题。